strategy to
Strategy to Execution is the primary concern for most business managers and business owners. In most cases, business strategy definitions are incomplete or inconsistent.
In the last 19 years, we have seen growing adoption and interest in the use of Enterprise Architecture in managing Enterprise Strategy and Operations. It's encouraging to see that "Enterprise Architecture" is getting recognized as a critical element for enterprise survival as well as success.
Executing Business Strategies
Quickly assess limitation of existing strategies16
Aassess limitation of existing strategies. The above is achieved by applying business strategy deconstruction technique. This technique helps in identifying "strategy primitives" from existing business strategies

Identify key stakeholders and
gap analysis
This step is followed by identifying gaps in strategy definition and execution. These gaps are defined over 6 different business stakeholder perspectives.

Apply six stage transformation for operations
Create and understand various perspectives. and strategy elements. Later, these "strategy elements" can be used for creating new strategies and take corrective measures.

Enterprise Anatomy Solution Portfolio
Schedule an online 1-to-1, complimentary session with our team

Architecture of Digital Transformation
Majority of organizations are either trying to improve on existing products (services) or expanding to a new product (service) category.
Our methodology for Digital Transformation is focused on four key areas such as Strategies for service (product) improvement, Plan for culture change, Defining detailed action items for strategy execution and Leveraging key partnership opportunities

CEO Solution using Enterprise Anatomy in 30 Days Cycle
CEO's are constantly challenged by having to come up with new Products and Services. We assist you by creating your Enterprise Anatomy integrating strategy, processes, systems etc. across Functional areas that will help you to Reach your customers with better products & services, quicker.
Enterprise Anatomy also enables the creation of multiple solution options quickly. The end result is a dramatic improvement in Strategy To Execution capability by using the Six stages of Transformation

Executing Business Strategies using six transformation stages
We help you to define & realize department/project goals, process improvements to ensure that it aligns with the enterprise objective. Often, Executive level Strategies are not getting implemented by Technology Solutions because Strategy definitions are incomplete or inconsistent.
By applying Business strategy deconstruction techniques, we identify these gaps over 6 different business stakeholder perspectives. We then use it to establish traceability, create new strategies and define performance target

30 Days Enterprise Architecture Methodology
We will help create your Enterprise Anatomy in a Minimum Viable form from Source documents relating to Strategy, Business Process, Applications and Technology in 30 Days.
We will then provide education to your team and mentor them in implementing this methodology.

Anatomy driven Enterprise Solutions
Within an Enterprise, almost all problems are multi disciplinary by nature. The Key to Solving Enterprise’s Business Problems with agility is to understand the "Enterprise Anatomy" (building blocks) and its interactions.
An Enterprise Doctor is able to use this Framework to isolate and treat enterprise disorders efficiently on time. This has applicability across a wide range of problems across several business verticals and organisations of various sizes.

Architecture Driven IT Products
Architecture-Driven IT Product Development: The Key to Longevity
-Six easy steps to transform a Business idea to IT implementation
-How to create an effective business case for a product or product line or a system?
-How Product architecture helps the entire Product Life Cycle including production support?
-How product architecture makes easy to handle Change Request?
-How anatomy based architecture helps Technology transformation easily and efficiently?

Architecture of Supply Chain Management
If you want your Supply Chain to be integrated, flexible and aligned, such that it is able to accommodate complexity and rates of change, it's the best time to create the "Architecture" before creating an implementation.
1.Find how to use six enterprise variables and six perspectives to define "Architecture" of your Supply chain.
2.How to use Enterprise Architecture to create sustainable and high-performing Supply chain systems.