Award Jury
Jury members have very important work in hand.
They are the lifeline of the award competition. They need to go through the dozen-odd pages for each entry, prepare questions that are not addressed in the submission document, understanding (and deciphering) content, managing information collected, prioritizing and exercising valuation wisely
In one hand, they need to appreciate creative thinking while in other hand maintain adherence to guidelines.
Sometimes, they have nominations that challenge their intellect which they discuss with other jury members. Each award category is evaluated by 3-4 jury members. It connects jury members across different geography (city/ country, industry, etc.) and brings close interaction among them.
ICMG Digital Architecture Excellence Awards competition provides a great opportunity for the teams and organizations to benchmark their Digital Architecture capability.
It provides a platform to showcase innovation, solutions, results, success, and the logic behind it. Simply the best industry recognition.
Global Ratings 2020